Tag: Deeplife

Prioritize Important Over Urgent and Cultivate a Deep Life

Prioritize Important Over Urgent and Cultivate a Deep Life

If you feel you are not making progress on your goals, likely you have allowed the unimportant and urgent tasks of life to take over. The path to finding meaning is to find a way to move forward on your creative endeavors or side projects and cultivate joy by pursuing your own personal passions. These arguably are the most important aspects of a fulfilling and enjoyable life but they often get pushed aside every day. Be different and make a stand for yourself and the life you choose to lead.

I will be happy when (insert said accomplishment or milestone) is a slippery slope toward discontent and frustration. It leads you to believe that every moment must be productive or it is wasted. Happiness is found by accepting what currently is and finding meaning in each moment regardless of the outcome. Paradoxically, the most productive people do not cram their schedule with constant things they can produce. They allow white space in their life to understand what is important to them and then put those things above all else. Having this clarity and prioritizing what holds value to them leads to a deeply felt sense of inner joy. Operating from this space of inner joy is what allows them to experience happiness NOW and adds a dimension of flow and ease to their daily work. Enthusiastic people who live in the moment with a deep sense of happiness are the most successful people – not the other way around.

Simply said, wake up every day and take time to determine what you really value. What pursuit would fill you up with a feeling of accomplishment and pride? Is there something you have always wanted to do or be that would bring a deeper meaning to your own life? Whatever this may be for you, find a way to work on that before all else. Know and prove to yourself that you are committed to bringing yourself joy every day and are moving forward and creating momentum on the projects and passions that light you up. Prioritize what is important to you over all the other unimportant tasks that are screaming for your attention and you will begin to trust that happiness is today and not some future destination.