Month: July 2022



We spend so much time trying to integrate all the facets of ourselves into one whole as if we were a rare and unique diamond. If we could get all the faces to connect then our beauty and strength would be elucidated. No one sees the time and pressure it takes to be that perfect. The kind of pressure that buckles you instead of bolstering you.

I would rather be a wildflower garden. The variety of colors, each flower unique and appreciated. Constantly blooming, renewing. Seemingly disintegrated but in aggregate beautiful, inviting. Each stalk bends with the soft breeze so as not to break. Flowing, dynamic.

A diamond may last forever, shining, gaining adoration. It can be owned and admired but in essence, it is solitary and alone. A wildflower garden flourishes in community with others, acclimating to all types of weather. It is welcoming and pleasant; charming the natural visitors that seek refuge among the petals. Its allure and elegance are preserved through the seeds and buds of new flowers to come. Its life is judged on the joy it provides to others.