Your priorities are not mine and mine are not yours. I respect others but would never trade places in a million years. I can only commit to being the best version of myself, in fact, it is my obligation to show up as authentically as I can. So from here, I vow to keep first things first. To stand my ground for what I believe is best for myself and those I love. To support my true friends and lift them up. To be transparent with my concerns and equally so with my hope. To let go of the comparisons, the defeatist attitude, the victim mentality. I embrace the challenges and through and through I stand here and call on you. Stay true to you.
Tag: Friendship
To be Accepted and Seen
Journeys often veer off unexpectedly and seemingly small decisions can impact our lives greatly, often in unforeseen ways. A chance encounter from a last-minute night out. A large decision to change a career path that leads to a most cherished friendship. Surprising yet beautiful outcomes can come from every big or small decision we make. Were these people meant to cross my path or were they validation that I was going the right way? True love within a friendship or relationship is to be seen and accepted. To grow together in a mutual support, to lean on one another. Whether travelers on the same road or met at an intersection, I am eternally grateful for those decisions that led me to the people in my life that I value most. The people who hold a space of love where I am safe to be seen and know I will always be accepted.