Month: February 2023

Rise Above

Rise Above

“What people in the world think of you is really none of your business” – Martha Graham

Rise above those that do not operate with great personal integrity. Some people out there may want to disparage you or turn others against you. We have all experienced cliques that talk badly about others, a friend circle that ousts you, or people bad-mouthing others at work out of jealousy or competition, perhaps as an inner rebellion against mimetic desire.

Gossip is a vicious snake that infects the handler with a poisonous bite once let loose. You think that the wanted effect would be to spread malice against the person you are speaking ill of, however, it only shows others the type of person you really are. People around you are always wondering when it will be their turn and you will speak badly about them. It erodes trust and shows a lack of care and compassion for others.

I have said this over and over again in my blog posts. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you know you did and said the right thing. Your opinion of yourself has everything to do with your self-worth. Be the person that chooses not to participate in gossip. Share an opposing or more enlightened viewpoint on a situation that is intended to harm another. Be someone that approaches every person with a curiosity to learn who they are and what their actions mean instead of judging them harshly. Ignore others when they speak badly about you as each person can only operate within their current level of consciousness and we all know what it feels like to be the receiver and the perpetrator of an unkind act.

Rise Above and know that those that matter most know you, see you, and support you. Stand tall knowing you are committed to doing the right thing above all else.

Navigating the Beginning: Goal Achievement

Navigating the Beginning: Goal Achievement

It hurts before it gets better.

If you don’t have the humility to be real bad, then you’ll never get that good. ~ Brian Johnson

It is easy to say you are going to change, to embark on a new journey. We all have good intentions when we are riding the thrill of thinking about becoming a new person or starting a new project. The truth is that it is very difficult to acquire a new skill or to become adept at a certain procedure. The hard part is going through that deliberate practice and learning curve to get to where you want to be. It is so tempting to quit when you feel embarrassed that you got something wrong, or someone realized that your skills and knowledge were not quite where they needed to be. Don’t stop.

No one becomes an expert overnight. There is no shortcut, there is only the long way. The long way is tiled with hard work and persistence. When you feel yourself becoming let down, scared, or frustrated – that is where the growth lies. The beginning is always exciting. Everyone is a warrior at the onset. When the difficult days, the drudgery, the failures, and the setbacks arrive, this is where the majority of people quit. Not You.

Use the butterflies in your stomach, the embarrassing moments, and the tedium as positive indicators for growth and learning. With enough time and repetition, anyone can be good at anything. Don’t quit your passion project, new job role, or skill acquisition process just to save face. Everyone has to crawl, walk, THEN run and you are no exception. Don’t compare the beginning of your journey to the end of someone else’s. It hurts before it gets better. Embrace it and keep going.