Virgo Season is Upon Us: Time to Get Organized
Can you feel the buzz in the air? Maybe it’s the rhythmic hum of the cicadas, or back-to-school energy cultivating, but the seed has been planted. Fall is coming and Virgo season is upon us. If you have ever known a Virgo, they love all things organization and this season is all about lists, starting fresh, saying goodbye to summer, and welcoming the subtle tones and earthy smells of autumn. And yes pumpkins 🙂 Honor those Virgo’s in your life and honor yourself by making a commitment. September will be the beginning of a new you – an organized, industrious, motivated you.
New planners, new ideas, new routines.
Virgo’s love to make lists and write things down. September is a time to capitalize on the innate energy of the season and start planning. My suggestion is to get a new system going and get excited about it. Buy a new planner, review a motivational quote a day, set up a new routine. Be organized about whatever you decide and write it down. Get all your to-do’s out of your head and find a way to make it fun to complete them. Perhaps you can rank them by energy level so that when you are feeling unmotivated you can still cross off a few low-energy tasks on your list. Stretch a bit and write down all your roles in life – teacher, mother, sister, friend and brainstorm ways to improve yourself and honor each role. Make it fun, buy a new journal or beautiful colored pens and write it out. Seeing your obligations, to-dos and all your life tasks on paper changes your perception of things and frees up space in your brain for more creative pursuits.
Honor the Earth inside of you and get grounded.
Virgo is an earth sign (like Taurus and Capricorn) and yes although detail-oriented and a bit critical they are also the sign you can rely on the most. What they say they will do, they will do and whatever they set out to accomplish will be done. They also see the best in people and are uncompromising in their belief in that person’s potential. This month is the time to take this support in and believe in yourself. Get grounded in who you are and make choices in each moment that honor how you feel and what you want. Connect to nature, take restorative deep breaths, find awe in the changing seasons and beautiful fall foliage. This is the season to start a new self-care practice. Talk a walk every morning, bake one new healthy treat every weekend, try 10 minutes of yoga. Remove the words ” I don’t have time” and “busy” from your vocabulary and just do something for yourself and don’t feel guilty about it. Connect to the beauty of this earth because life is short and you are worth it. Everything else can wait.
Support your new goals
If you feel you are destined for something more and that there is a better, more simple way to enjoy life – you are right. Virgos may not be able to see the big picture, getting lost in all the baby steps and the nuances of a project but we are always ready for a challenge and fastidious in our completion. There is one thing I know for sure – No one can deliver a message, practice their craft, and nurture the relationships around them LIKE YOU CAN. What project, idea, wish, daydream has been simmering in the back of your mind and heart. Bring it forth and realize your potential. The world needs to hear it from YOU even if they have heard it a million times before. Why are you waiting and hesitating? Start that new idea, project, life trajectory today. Use Virgo season to take your big picture idea and break it down into manageable steps. Today all you have to do is the next right thing. Outline the next 3 steps, big or small that you need to take to get moving in your new life direction and just start. This is what Virgo season is all about – keep breaking things down into manageable details and day by day, through microsteps of completion, your dreams will be realized.