Rain, Rain Go Away
I was on a walk with my family when the storm clouds rolled in. Enormous but sparse drops of rain began to populate the asphalt. A faint rumble of thunder grew closer threatening our relaxed stroll. We quickened the pace but there was no avoiding it and we eventually had to give in to drops of water streaming down our face.
That is when our youngest daughter declared, ” We can never leave the house again because we never know when it might rain”. Seems easy as an adult to laugh at such a silly statement. Of course, we would not decide to become a shut-in for the rest of our lives on the off chance it may spontaneously rain. Yet, how many times do we view life like this, and is there some truth in what she said?
Do you hold yourself back on a new opportunity, preferring the comfort of what is familiar, on the off chance that it may “rain” and things may not work out the way you envisioned? How many times in life do we allow ourselves to become excited about something new, only to focus solely on how many random things could go wrong, stopping us from pursuing it? How often do you have an unanticipated “storm” in your life when you set out on a new path? Consider this, even if there is an unforeseen rain shower or bone-rattling thunder and lightning with a downpour; you may be afraid, you may get a bit wet, but in the end, you will make it home safely if you just keep walking.
The last paragraph of the story, touches my life in so many ways because that’s how I lived inside most of my life since I was 5 years old, I think.
Always feeling inadequate among others, not belonging and lots of negative thinking… even when I was in the best years of my life.
Now, I’m in my 50’s and as I read the story and then the last sentence in the last paragraph, it helped me realized that in spite of all that happened to me in life “God helped me make it home safely.” I kept walking but could not feel the rewards of the journey.
I got to this website by seeing a commercial about today is the day, it caught my attention and after reading Rain, Rain go Away , my hope is that I can overcome procrastination and negativity, and live the best life I am meant to have in God’s plan.
Thank you for this great opportunity.
Infinite Blessings..
Beautifully Said, Mary. You are truly supported in your journey and I know by the nature of you even being here and reading this content, that you have a will that is strong and you will succeed in living your best life.