Give Yourself Grace – The ebb and flow of your life energy
As much as we all wish, we can not be “on” all the time. There will be days you are beaten down, tired, and feel the weight of your to-do’s hanging over you. Days you just feel “off” yet the reason evades you. This is a signal. Take a break. Laugh. Linger in a conversation a bit longer. Play music and daydream. Smile. Breathe. Relax. Be magnetic instead of machinic.
Your to-do list will always be waiting for you but life won’t. Your kids will grow up. That trip can’t be taken later. Your friends will change – sometimes people move on and sometimes new people move in. Cherish the relationships you have today. Invest your time in ways that show the people you love that you love them. Fill your cup.
Nothing in life or in nature grows without first nourishing and nurturing itself. You are no different. A day of stagnation leads to explosive creation. Embrace the moments where you can pause. Give yourself grace instead of guilt. Watch the ebb and flow of your life energy. Our lowest low may be happening so we can experience our highest high. Accepting this simple truth may make all the difference.