Drop by Drop
Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good. ~Buddha from the Dhammapada
Exhausted and walking toward our room after a long day of walking on vacation, my daughter ran for the elevator while I chose to climb the stairs up to the third floor. “Beat you!” she exclaimed as she burst from the elevator right before I could reach the top. ” You may have won this one, I said, but Mommy is winning the long game”.
Every moment we have a choice. One that is just as easy to do as it is not to do. Each choice casts a vote for who we want to be. Our identity is nothing but a series of small choices that compound on one another. One less piece of chocolate or one more. Park close or far away. Extend kindness or turn away from those you love. Take the elevator or take the stairs.
Drop by Drop, moment to moment. Cast a vote that makes you a better person. Micro-actions that will slowly but assuredly manifest the body, the life, and the love you’ve always wanted.