Burn Bright
” Wind extinguishes a candle, but fuels a fire” – You are that fire
Adapted quote from Francois de La Rochefoucauld
What type of person are you? Someone who crumbles at the first sign of adversity or are you someone who is fueled by conquering the ever-growing demands of life? Ancient literature and history teach us that there are common themes of the Hero’s Journey. The one I repeatedly come back to is that some people get knocked down but this doesn’t defeat them, it strengthens their resolve. Your passion doesn’t have to be grandiose. It can be small yet meaningful to you. It may be that you are committed to being the most patient, loving, present parent that supports their children toward being independent self-affirming adults. Vow to be the radiant exemplar of what it means to embody this type of parental love. Find your why and be all in. When life gets in the way of your plans; knocks the breath out of you with sorrow, fatigue, anxiety, and stress. Remember, you are that fire. You are someone that looks inward, rises up, and grows stronger. You are not the flickering flame that others can snuffle with so much of an unkind word. You are the fire that consumes obstacles as kindling and explodes in growth when the stormy cadence of life tries to blow you down. Burn bright my friend.